If I had access to an unlocked server cabinet, I could power down the ASA, snaffle the Compact Flash card (and anything else in the cabinet, for that matter) and I’d have the ASA config file. If anything, this demonstrates the importance of physical security of the Cisco ASA. When opened with a text editor in Windows, the startup-config file is readable, as if I’d run a show run command in the privileged EXEC mode. This is the path: disk0:/.private/startup-config Cisco ASA Compact Flash location of the startup config file I mounted the Compact Flash card on a Windows 7 workstation and located the default startup-config file in a hidden directory. That’s where the ASA stores the boot images and the config files. Over the weekend, I opened up my pet Cisco ASA 5505 and removed the Compact Flash card.
Ne is the earth the lesse, or loseth ought :įor there is nothing lost, that may be found if sought.
What though the sea with waves continuallĭoe eate the earth, it is no more at all